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Giving Up Plastic for the Goodness of Glass

April 12, 2019

Giving Up Plastic for the Goodness of Glass

You’ve probably heard that reusable water bottles are much better than disposable bottles, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Which material you choose for your reusable bottle is just as important as the decision to ditch the disposables in the first place.

If you’re ready to truly upgrade your water bottle, you’ll want to switch to a reusable glass bottle. Glass is the ideal material for your daily hydration routine. Here’s why glass bottles are better, and exactly how glass bottles will elevate your water habit in every way.

Glass Bottles Are Better for the Earth

Glass Bottles Are Better for the Earth

Our planet is addicted to plastic water bottles. Almost one million plastic beverage bottles are sold every minute, and 91% of those bottles aren’t recycled. Plastic waste packs a powerful punch in speeding up climate change, and it wreaks havoc on our oceans. About 18 billion pounds of plastic enter the ocean annually, and experts believe that by 2050, the oceans will have more plastic than fish.

Pretty sobering, isn’t it? If you’ve wondered why glass bottles are better, those horrifying statistics certainly paint a powerful picture. Glass water bottles are 100% recyclable and much better for the planet. In fact, recycling glass doesn’t have any effect on the glass’s quality, unlike other materials that can break down during the process.

You Won’t Need to Worry About Dangerous Chemicals

You Won’t Need to Worry About Dangerous Chemicals

Plastic bottles have raised all kinds of questions and concerns about chemicals like PVC, phthalate, BPA, and polycarbonate. In some plastic bottles, these chemicals can seep into your water and potentially impact your health.

BPA (bisphenol-A) is especially cause for concern. The chemical is an endocrine disruptor, which means it can disrupt your body’s natural hormone systems. Some research indicates that BPA could have a negative impact on reproductive organs and heart function, could cause health issues for newborn babies, and could lead to an increased risk of issues like diabetes. Research is still ongoing, but many findings seem to raise more questions than answers about BPA’s safety - and that’s pretty unnerving. The easiest way to avoid these potential risks is to simply switch to glass, where none of these chemicals are present.

Choose regular positive rituals.

Glass bottles are especially popular because glass has a taste neutral effect. This means that glass doesn’t distort the flavor of your water, whereas other water bottle materials can give off a plastic-y or mineral taste. With glass, you’ll also never have to worry about your water taking on odors like it might in a plastic or steel bottle. Gem-Water’s glass bottles provide the added bonus of elevating the texture and mouthfeel of your water while raising it to levels of quality that match spring water. Talk about a great way to hydrate!

Oh, and it also doesn’t hurt that glass water bottles are just plain elegant. When it comes to aesthetics, they’re leagues beyond any kind of dinky disposable plastic bottle you might come across.

It’s Time to Upgrade to Glass

It’s Time to Upgrade to Glass

Making a glass water bottle part of your daily routine is a win-win-win. It’s great for the environment, it’s great for your body, and it adds an air of luxury to your water habit. You’ll be hydratedandchic, all while doing your part to preserve our planet. We’ll raise a glass (ahem, bottle) to that.

If you’re new to glass bottles and not sure where to start, dip your toes in with a few of our most popular Gem-Water blends:

Open your eyes to the love around you with Love, a blend of rose quartz, garnet, and clear quartz believed to help inspire love and intimacy.

Love Gem-Water Blend

Focus on wellbeing with Wellness, a gorgeous combination of amethyst, rose quartz, and clear quartz. The gems in this blend are said to boost your overall wellbeing by soothing your emotions and supporting healthy skin.

Wellness Gem-Water Blend

Foster feelings of peace with Balance, a blend of sodalite, chalcedony, and clear quartz believed to encourage harmony among all aspects of your life.

Balance Gem-Water Blend

Happy hydrating!

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